Coping Mechanisms - Your Support Team.
Welcome to this lesson.
We will discuss the immediate coping mechanisms that you need to help you get started on your recovery journey.
We will start by looking at How You Can Create Your Support Team.
If you are still at the Denial or Anger stage, I suggest you do the following.
1.Be realistic with yourself.
Instead of pretending that nothing is happening, start a Daily Journal, for at least one month, and list everything that has occurred between you and partner.
2.Check to see how these match up with what you used to have together.
Do they match? Or, have you or your partner changed for the worse? How do you feel about your findings?
If things have changed considerably for the worse, then accept that the relationship has broken down.
Coping Mechanisms.
Coping Mechanisms are the strategies you will need to help you start the process of recovery. A lot will depend on whether or not you are still living together with your partner.
It would be much easier for you to get over the emotional trauma, if you live apart from your Ex.
Important: Get your own living space.
If it is at all possible, move out of your current home that you share with your partner.
If, however, you are still living with your partner, you will need to agree with them, your individual spaces within your home – a place where you can have your own privacy.
So, if you have a house, you will need to designate which rooms are yours, and which are your partner’s, etc.

You Need A Support Team.
Now that you have accepted that there is no going back with your Ex, you need to Create your own Support Team to help you navigate the next stages of the divorce.
1.Family and Friends – choose the right family member or friend to support you.
2.Get a Lawyer – to help you navigate the Legal Process of Divorce.
3.Get a Financial Adviser – to help you make sense of what money you may be entitled to and after getting that money, how to manage it to your advantage.
4.Get an Exercise Buddy – someone you can trust not to tell everyone about your issues.
5.Get a Coach or Counsellor, someone like me, to help you navigate through your negative emotions, so you can come out of all of this stressful situation and be truly happy.
Complete this Lesson by Completing the Video. There is a fuller discussion of Why you need a Support Team in the Video.